IPS Abhinav Kumar will be the DGP in-charge of Uttarakhand, this order issued…

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IPS Officer Abhinav Kumar will be the new acting DGP of Uttarakhand. Under the alternative system also implemented in Uttarakhand, IPS Abhinav Kumar will take charge of acting DGP on Thursday (30 November). 1996 batch IPS officer Abhinav Kumar has a reputation as a sharp officer. Current DGP Ashok Kumar is retiring on Thursday.
IPS Abhinav Kumar has been secretary to CM.
Before this, Abhinav Kumar had been Haridwar and Dehradun police captain. He served as IG Garhwal for a few months. Also served in CRPF on central deputation. At the time when Section 370 was removed from Jammu and Kashmir, the command was in the hands of Abhinav Kumar. He has also been the secretary of CM Pushkar Singh Dhami.
The name was leading in the race
The name of IPS Abhinav Kumnar was leading in the race for this post. Seven names were being discussed for this post. The name of the new DGP was to be finalized before November 30.
In the letter issued by the Additional Chief Secretary of Uttarakhand, it was said, “In view of the retirement of the present Director General of Police of Uttarakhand, Ashok Kumar, (IPS RR-1989) with effect from the afternoon of 30.11.2023, on completion of the age of superannuation, Abhinav Kumar (IPS -RA-1996), It has been decided to provide additional charge of the post of Director General of Police, Uttarakhand along with the present charge from 01.12.2023 till further orders.”
Ashok Kumar’s farewell ceremony will be held in Dehradun Police Lines
The farewell ceremony of current DGP Ashok Kumar has been organized in the police line of Dehradun. For this, all the police captains and dignitaries of Uttarakhand have been invited.

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